
Hierarchy of Wealth

Why is it that poverty is viewed as a lower status? People always look "up" to wealth, and the poorest of poor are referred to as the "bottom billion." Even in Santiago wealth has everything to do with how high you are. The slums of the city are crammed down into the lowest valleys and by the rivers that cut through the mountains. Perched high above them are brand new apartment buildings with air conditioning and houses (that have windows and not vents) that cast long shadows over the narrow dirt streets that make up the maze of neighborhoods that seem to groan from the congestion and grime.

It is as if the DR has tried to hide its poverty from the rest of the world. Certainly, in the all-inclusive resorts it has. You can come to the DR without even leaving the United States. But in cities such as Santiago that don't have a thriving tourist industry, why do the poor get shoved to the literal bowels of the city? Is it because they smell? I doubt it, as this entire city smells of rot and waste. Is it because they don't have a real door but rather wood slabs attached to a hinge? Does their physical location and the economic situation reflect who they are? If you venture far enough into one of these neighborhoods you may surprise yourself. Step cautiously over that broken glass bottle, take a left at the red painted colmado, and then continue for about 300 yards until you come across two yellow houses. In between the two is a narrow space, wide enough for one person at a time. If are listening for it, you may hear a few voices wafting from the alleyway. For those curious enough, you may decided to slip in between the houses and make your way down to find quite the opposite of smelly, desparate people. The alleyway opens up to three more apartments, crammed in the back of someone's property. Rain water collects in one corner of the opening leaving a puddle that has begun to create mold and mildew on the cement floor and wall. Eight plastic chairs, most broken in mupltiple places, have been set up in a makeshift circle. There are 15 people at this meeting, and most sit on the floor or lean against the wall. But they don't care. They have been able to change their lives for the better. And though the world will still classify them as the poorest of poor, they don't see themselves as poor anymore.

What they were six months ago, that was poor. Today they are rich, and yes, they live in the bottom parts of the city.

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