
Go with Passion

Who are we that we do what we do? What makes me, me? Our passions, our desires, they developed somewhere. But where exactly? I can't answer that question. But I can make a few observations about this thing we call passion.

Today I was able to visit a different office about an hour north of Santiago in Puerto Plata. It just so happens that the manager of the office is moving to Santo Domingo to take on a new position, and so Helen, the manager of the Santiago office, is taking over for the time being. I observed two meetings with one of the loan officers. She and I got talking back at the office, and she mentioned that while she can get frustrated as she had been just an hour earlier with one of the banks, she knows her heart is with the poor and she could never leave her job with Esperanza. Almost dumbfounded at such a sincere and honest statement, I was immediately intrigued, albeit also a tad confused. Who could ever want to work with the poor their entire life? I have only done one month here and I am struggling. But her passion doesn't mean she doesn't hate her job some days. We joked about the problems she had, but in truth, that joy underscored the frustrations she would have. Sure, the fact that half of the associates don't show certainly gets her upset. But she loves the poor so much that the joy of seeing them eventually pay in full, even if it comes by pulling teeth and fighting with these clients for a week, is totally worth it.

Sitting there, I came to realize something I am not so sure I wanted to accept. My passion, while perhaps obvious to others hasn't been so clear to me. But since my time in Ghana I have started to understand the direction my life is going to take. I have been afraid to tell anyone for fear that it would be truth. Well, it is, and I am becoming more and more certain that it is my Truth from Him. Unfortunately for anyone that reads this blog (all four or five of you) I want to be certain before I let it be known to others.

So what was the point of this posting? Hey, not everything in this blog is about me. No, this post is about you. If you are not asking yourself what you are passionate about, you are not living. As this loan officer said, God gives us our desires and strengths, we need to use them. For her, it is working with the poor. Wherever you are now, at your desk at work, sitting at home on the couch with the World Cup on, or sipping a chocolate mocha at Starbucks hoping to fit in to the niche that just oozes from the store, I want you to ask yourself:

At this exact moment, is what I am doing something I am passionate about?

If it is, ask God to continue to use your heart. If it isn't, or if you feel any doubt, small or big, begin to ask God to show you your true passions. Truth is, you probably already know them. But the social, "financial", relational, and personal pressure of today has most likely caused you to push your passions so far aside you have forgotten them. Don't consider it crazy to change jobs because you feel your talents and heart are somewhere else. Do not doubt that inkling to take a serious pay cut to work with the poor. Do as I and the other four interns in the DR have done. Do something radical that reflects your passion and trust God to provide. He will. For if He can provide for the poorest of poor here in Santiago, Puerto Plato, San Pedro, La Romana, Hato Mayor, and more, most certainly He can provide for you.

You have not lived until you have lived for the passions God has given you.

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