

The human spirit is resilient, but only if you let it be. Each day I find that life can, and does, get harder and harder if you allow it to. And we should. We make bigger and bigger mistakes. Wrongs continue to happen. The pain gets deeper and deeper. Issues come up we never expected to deal with before. But the payout from all of that is far greater than one could imagine. This isn't some feel good post. Because I know that possibly tomorrow some hardship may come your way. But this also isn't some post to console you. I don't want it to. Consolation can only come from those that understand. This is more encouragement to do the right thing in times of struggle. Fight it. Don't let the struggle overcome. But don't run either.

Struggle builds character. Character leads to maturity. And maturity leads to a life where one understands all around them. I purposefully surround myself with those that are self aware. Eating disorders, former drug problems, a severe lack of confidence, selfishness, arrogance, and even anger abound amongst my friends. I am attracted to those that are open with their struggles. An openness about it means an acknowledgement of their struggle which builds that all important character. It also provides deeper and more meaningful relationships.

I have had my fair share of good relationships over the years, but for the first time in my life, I don't run out of numbers to call by the time someone picks up in my time of need. That isn't to brag, but to encourage you to be open. Stand up to your struggles face first, be prepared to fight, and be open about it. Let those you trust around you see what your fight is today, tomorrow, and in five years. I can say this now because in the last week I was confronted with the option to run or to confront. Because I was open and sought the advice of those I trust, I made the right choice. I am fighting with all I have in the best way possible. And while things aren't perfect and may not be for a while, for the first time in two weeks I have never felt lighter. I have never felt more purposeful or closer and in touch with my life. That is worth fighting for in any situation, no matter how difficult.

There goes a fighter.

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