

I must admit, I have started this post 4 different times. I can't find focus. I don't know what to write. There are so many deep and raw emotions inside of me, that as I begin to write about one, the others come swelling up confusing me and convincing me this post is all wrong.

I am happy. I am sad. I am energetic. I am tired. I am angry. I am confused. And I am content.

Happy that I am in the DR, living and breathing the culture (and pollution)

Sad that just as my lack of Spanish expertise limits my relationships, my lack of trust in people does as well.

Energetic to know how much I have learned and changed so much.

Tired from not knowing who I truly am; that all I have known and understood could possibly be wrong.

Angry at arrogance and success.

Confused about my goals and mission in life.

Content in the amazing relationships I have made here. Four people have entered my life in a radical way and I hope this is but the beginning of a lifetime of friendship.

There, laid out all nice and easy like a business major would do.

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