

I am not really sure what to write about. But I think the dust is settling in my life after a few weeks of very very very very very cloudy visions. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I knew I couldn't see very far. And that bothered me, being the planner that I am.

Photo Courtesy Liz Higgs via Flickr

But thankfully the wind has died down, the dust has settled, and I even think I am about to get a much needed rain. It is funny the clarity you realize you didn't have until you get it. I remember one time knowing I should clean my glasses, but it wasn't really bothering me. Then, a coworker forced me to wipe them clean and the moment I did, I realized just how dirty they had been! It was as if I was use to the cloudiness. I had become ok with my discomfort and ok with the abnormal. Maybe that isn't such a bad thing, for doesn't that make the normal times that much more enjoyable?

At the same time, why should I allow myself to be handicapped? I shouldn't be ok with seeing things incorrectly or even okay with problems in my life. Granted, some problems will take plenty of time to resolve, but to be okay with them is a bigger issue than any I know. So as the dust settles this time, I will work at trying not to rustle things up again. Because once that dust is here things get real cloudy, and I risk becoming okay with that once more.

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