
Today is the day. Gone is the pit in my stomach. Don't get me wrong, I am still nervous. But most of my hesitation has been replaced with mere excitement. The idea of working in the Dominican Republic, meeting entrepreneurs that have made it, that have a passion many CEOs in the States could only dream of, is very exciting. Moreover, these men and women have such an understanding of God's great mercy and love. To receive a loan from an institution and begin a new life of a wealth so unobtainable before brings about a sense of commitment and responsibility that provides the drive to be so successful.

I am exited. My time will be a great learning and stretching experience. Ironically enough I am writing this post yet again from 30th Street Station, yet this time most of the anxiety is gone. Three months is s long time. But it will be enough time to pursue God and his plan for my life on a much deeper level in ways that will forever change me. Sounds very lofty and almost too cliche but it is true.

Next time you hear from me, I will be in the Dominican Republic.

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