
Disclaimer: The Title of this Blog is Misleading

This is not a blog about extreme poverty. This is not a blog about malnutrition or illiteracy. This is not a blog about straw huts.

This is a blog about the human being. The reality is that as a human being, one falls short of the glory of God, due to the entrance of sin into our world. My little time on this planet so far has brought me to one large understanding: to successfully pursue God, one needs to be poor in spirit and meek in will.

What do I mean by poor in spirit and meek in will? You must feel totally helpless and powerless in order to fully understand who God and what your massive role in this world is. Don’t get me wrong, not all will starve each day, not all will struggle with an addiction, nor will many come to a “breaking point” as drastic as can be seen on reality TV. But the arrogance we all experience needs to be shattered and thus we must become poor in spirit. The pride in us all must be squashed and thus we must become meek in will – our own will.

I apologize if you come to this blog looking for stories on the poor of Ghana, the Dominican Republic, Cambodia, or Peru. Certainly, those will appear here, but not for enjoyment or education. They will be a part of a large discussion on the human being, sin, and God. After all, that is what we are here on this planet for, correct?

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