

I feel like I am in the middle of a mid life crises right now, yet it has nothing to do with me. Why? Let's see...

$4.02 a gallon for gas
The Arabic Spring occurring
Tsunami in Japan
Earthquake in New Zealand
Osama Bin Laden murdered
Oh, and people proclaiming the world is going to end on May 21, 2011

So many events out of my control, and they don't really affect me. Yet here I stress: my finances worry me, my living situation sometimes bothers me, my relationships don't satisfy me, and my wants greatly outsize my needs. Let's put things into perspective and realize who I am.

I am but a light on a string of hundreds. No thousands.


Flickering, shining bright, growing dull, fighting for power, working together.

If I go out, the string stays lit. But I am important, yet so small.

All too often I get tangled with other lights. Knots form that take time to unravel. I am one shade of a spectrum of different lights and colors.

Despite all this. I am a light, dim or bright, in this darkness. In all we hear today I am a light. As many of you are. As some of you should be. And as some of you were. I am a light.

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