

It's like the first touch of hands. The sharp rise in heartbeat, the goosebumps that appear all over, the thrill of a physical connection, and the excitement of confirmation of attraction.

It's like the cresting of that first hill on a roller coaster. The clanking gives way to a brief silence. Anticipation takes over knowing thrills are about unfold at breathtaking speed.

It's like returning home for the first time after months being abroad. Hearing the border agent at the airport, a complete stranger, saying welcome home. Seeing the anticipation on your friend's and family's faces as they await you to come out of the terminal.

It's like waking up in someone's arms. Feeling warmth wrapped around you. Understanding the intimacy of the relationship you are in. Having that best friend. And knowing you are had, if only for that brief moment.

It's like coming home from a stressful day at work, sitting down in your favorite chair and enveloping yourself in that ever intriguing storyline. Returning to old friends you met but a week or so ago and reading or watching more of their lives unfold right before your eyes.

It's like waking up to the warm ocean breeze causing the light fabric unfurl in billows by the window. To hear the cry or gulls and birds over the crashing of the waves but 50 meters from you.

It's like the excitement of a big city. Stepping out of the underground station for the first time into the sunlight. Cars hustling by, people in stride with bags, briefcases, and cameras. Tall glass structures looming overhead casting long and cool shadows.

It's like exploring the woods. The musty smell of the past spring rain, the crackle of the leftover leaves from fall. The groans of the trees swaying in the wind. The rustle of the thousands of leaves above you drifting freely.

It's like watching the deep blue sky shift to a light orange and pink only to drop it's hue to a deep maroon as that large ball of fire slides beneath the horizon. The night encroaches in a gentle calm manner, inducing sleep.

It's like biting into that big, juicy strawberry, ripened by the months of sun, rain, and warmth. A blossom of sweetness and tenderness.

It's like the feeling of success only to quickly find out you had been humiliated in front of your peers.

It's like a rotten apple, bright red on the outside but brown, mushy, and poisonous on the inside.

It's like a bright clear sky with dark luminous clouds quickly moving in at a unrelenting pace.

It's like that first jump off the swing. The exhilaration of the sensation of flying. The freedom of height and air. Until the reality sets in that the flying has turned to falling. The pain of the sprain. The tears, the ache.

But we get back up. We choose another apple. We wait the storm out. We stand in front of our peers again. Why? Because the exhilaration of that roller coaster, the juicy core of the strawberry, the wonders of the sunset, even the calmness of a summer forest are worth it. We will fall again, be hurt again. But aren't the pain and hurt what make love so amazing and wonderful?

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