
I Am Sorry

I am sorry for what I have done. I have lied. I have cheated. I have scorned. I have mocked. I have been resentful. I have been angry.

But I am not sorry for who I am. And if you cannot accept that, then be gone. I cannot change who I am. And if you have lied to me, if you have been untruthful. If you have hurt me in ways I am slowly beginning to understand. Then shame on you. Be up front. And tell me. Do not desert me. That hurts more than brunt rejection.

I'd rather be told I am unwanted then deserted.

But deserted I am not. For despite your intentions, I am a fully capable being, full of love and compassion for those I trust. It takes a while for me to trust, and yet here I am trusting those around me. Why you did what you did, I will never know. But it hurt more than most before you. Yet I still have those around me who guide me, strengthen me, and teach me. And that is all that matters. And they make me who I am.

So I am sorry for what I have done. But I am not sorry for who I am.

"Look up, be not discouraged. Trust on whatever befall. Remember, oh remember, thy Savior knows it all"